

Participating as a support provider for Tokyo's hands-on support program, "TIB STUDIO"

ON&BOARD Inc. (Headquarters: Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Directors: Masato Shimodaira and Kosuke Nakayama, hereinafter "ON&BOARD") is pleased to announce its participation as a support provider in "TIB STUDIO," a hands-on support program offered through an agreement between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and two startup studio associations. This initiative is part of Tokyo’s "Global Innovation with STARTUPS" program, aimed at expanding the base of entrepreneurs tenfold, increasing unicorns tenfold, and enhancing public-private partnerships tenfold, supporting young people with unique and innovative ideas.

At ON&BOARD, our team brings not only venture capital experience but also backgrounds in strategic planning at consulting firms, global business development and investment at major IT platform companies and trading conglomerates, product development, organizational building, and coding. Our team includes active executives with multi-billion-dollar exit experience in startups, legal professionals, and experts in neuroscience, machine learning, data science, language processing, and LLM research and development. With this diverse teamwork and experience as our backbone, we are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs in management from the early stages of their ventures.

◾️About "TIB STUDIO"

"TIB STUDIO" is a program with the philosophy of “Supporting like a co-founder to create startups that astonish the world,” dedicated to business validation leading up to fundraising. The program is divided into four stages: “Idea Refinement and Problem Identification,” “Business Model Validation,” “MVP Development,” and “MVP Improvement and Fundraising Activities,” providing tailored support according to the business phase.
TIB Studio Application Form:

 ◾️About TIB (Tokyo Innovation Base)

With the aim of sparking innovation from Tokyo, this major hub gathers startups and their supporters from both Japan and abroad for networking and collaboration. It serves as a space where diverse individuals connect, fostering challengers who drive society forward through innovative ideas and technologies.
TIB Website:

Company Overview

Company Name: ON&BOARD Inc.
Established: October 2023
Representative Directors: Masato Shimodaira, Kosuke Nakayama
Location: Toranomon Hills Business Tower, 15th Floor (CIC Tokyo), 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6415
Business Description: Management and operation of venture capital funds, and incubation-related business
Contact Information
ON&BOARD Public Relations (Hamauchi, Doiyama, Hasegawa)






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